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Wingchun Fundamentals vs Advanced Techniques


The WingChun Curriculum is usually summarized in accordance with the three unarmed forms and two weapons forms.

  • Siu Nim Tau (Small Intention) – Fundamental hand movements, stance, and alignment
  • Tsum Kiu (Seeking Bridge) – Fundamental footwork, fundamental kicks, new hand techniques and variations of previous techniques
  • Biu Jee (Darting Fingers) – Long and short range techniques and techniques for unorthodox positions
  • Mok Yan Jang (Wooden Person Pile) – New hand techniques, kicks, footwork, and variations of previous movements practiced on the - wooden dummy
  • Lok Dim Buen Gwan (Six-And-A-Half Point Pole) – Movements using a long pole
  • Baat Zaam Do (Eight Slashing Knives) – Movements using the double long knives

Some people like to brag about what advanced form or technique that they have learned believing those are superior to the ones learned at the beginning. Even though this helps to understand the system as a whole, collecting techniques will not make you good nor does knowing the full system make you a master. What determines your skill is how well you can apply what you know.

The good news is that you do not need to know the full system to apply WingChun effectively. The fundamentals are designed so that you can put them into practice immediately. They are actually the bread-and-butter of the system whereas the advanced techniques are for special situations.

This means that you cannot ever discount the fundamental techniques while you wait to learn the “good stuff”. Everything should be trained with high quality. As an example, for each repetition that you do of pak sao, try to make it the best pak sao of your life. Consider multiple aspects like timing, positioning, body mechanics, etc in addition to just speed and power.

This is contrary to what is popular on social media, where new and extreme things are promoted. Instead of searching for something new, go deep into your practice to further your development. You may discover that you have all that you need to train for days, months, or years.

If you are looking for a solo training program for sharpening your skills in the core WingChun movements, then click here.